6 977
11-04-2019, 20:49

Mod "Real Space 3.2" for Stellaris (2.2.x)

Inspired by the mods like "More Realistic Star Systems", I decided to create my own one, which would add a bit more realism and variety for gameplay into the Stellaris space.

In this mod I have tried not to change the Game's mechanics, but to diversify the Galaxy harmonically with keeping the existing game balance.

So, there is a list of what the mod performs:


New stellar classes were added:
O Class – the most bright and rare blue stars;
L Class – cold brown dwarfs;
D Class – white dwarf, star remains;
T Class – dim methane dwarfs (added as planets, because there is no sense in making the stars out of them);
Y Class – intermediate step between the star and the gas giant (now it's a star);
С Class – carbon stars;
S Class – zirconium stars;
W Class – mysterious Wolf-Rayet stars (4 nebula types);
Nova – is a close binary system with a flared white dwarf after absorption of the companion star substance (2 types);
Collapsar – exploded star, the final stage of the evolution of the star (replacement of the Supernova);
Protostar – is the star in the formation stage;
Luminous Blue Variable – is a bright, unstable blue hypergiant with a diffuse nebula (3 nebula types)
T Tauri - very young stars with a protoplanetary disc (3 types);
Herbig Star - very young bright stars with a protoplanetary disc;
Planetary Nebula - systems with clouds of ionized gas, remnants of deceased stars (3 types);
Magnetar - neutron star with a very strong magnetic field.
Microquasar - smaller version of the quasar (2 types).
FUor - very hot young star with a protoplanetary disk.

New stellar types were added:
Regular stars

Star systems:
More than 100 variations of binary, ternary and pair systems with their icons.;
The structure of the systems was changed in such a way that the orbits of the planets looked more realistic. That is, the size of the orbits increases proportionally with distance from the central luminary;
Randomly, small dust clouds can appear in the systems;
Many dust clouds in the systems which are in the zone of the nebula;
132 real star systems, adjacent to the Sun were added. (No more blue Betelgeuse, special stuff for roleplayers!) Now 3 types of Sol Sector to choose from: Large (132 stars), Medium (82 stars) and Small (57 stars);
In Sol Sector, several civilizations of different levels of development may appear.

Added 3 new starting systems, which you can choose when creating a race:
Regor system - is a system with a Wolf-Rayet star, also known as Gamma Velorum;
GK Persei system - is a system with a Nova;
Eta Carinae system - is a system with a Luminous Blue Variable.


50 new skins for gas planets were added (and red gas giants are here too!)

Also I wanted to make generated galaxy map as a space sector or cluster-shaped form, but because of some technical moments and game restrictions it will be better to develop it as a standalone mod.

System Scale:

The scale of the planets and the solar system was increased.
The relative speed of movement of ships in the system is preserved.
The camera settings in the system have been changed.
Space battles were also adapted for the new scale of the system.


More details later.

Additional Mods:

Real Space - New Frontiers - Planet subclasses, modifiers, blockers, events and more. NEW

Real Space - Space Battles - Improved space battles.

Real Space Max Compatibility - Standalone shortcut mod, created for greater compatibility with other mods. Does not contain the System Scale mode.

+ Stellar Catalyst - A wonderful addition by Djohaal. This mod introduces a minor megastructure that can be built by any empire that researches the appropriate technology.

(Real Space) New Worlds - This is an alternate version of Star Trek New Worlds mod, made with built-in compatibility with Real Space.

Additional localization
English - fix by Oy of Mid-World
Russian - native mod language.
French - by EwieFairy.
Brazilian-Portuguese - no translation.
German - by torian.raven
Polish - by Kovalinio.
Spanish - by k0r3
Japanese - by mikaduki
Korean - by parkon9 (no updated)


Version 2.0 has added an improved scale to the systems. To work properly, you need to start a new game.

This is a very voluminous mod, it affects a lot of things and that's why this mod inevitably has a lot of compatibility problems. It should be very easy to use this mod with others mods.

Real Space Max Compatibility - a standalone version of the mod will be added with maximum compatibility with other modes in which scaling will be removed, as well as many other things that can affect compatibility. If you want to finish the session, which started with the previous version of Real Space, then turn on this mod instead of the original one.

Also, a hard-mode mod will be added. To begin with, it will include long transitions in space.

ПС: Для русскоязычных игроков. Если вы пользуетесь модом на перевод названий и имен Russian Names Extended by Annatar или аналогичным от VolusRus, то настоятельно рекомендую вам поставить патч Russian Names Extended by Annatar - Real Space Patch для того, что бы все названия реальных звезд были переведены на русский и не дублировались.

Stellaris is a wonderful game. I will continue to make modifications and compatibility to them, I like it. But all this takes a lot of time and effort, so any, even the smallest donation will motivate me to work in this direction even more. In any case, I will continue and it will be a game of our dreams!


Mod Info

  • Uploaded by: Mod Admin
  • Mod author nnatar
  • Mod version 04.04.19
  • Test on game version 2.2.x
  • File format ZIP
  • Size 250.1 mb
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WOW, gun sniper Remington MSR come back rate 9-10
roblox! great map, maybe a bit optimazation?
Alright. everyone here is a f*cking ar*e.
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