RED PACK PART 1 CONTENTS: ------------------------------------------------------------ Novinski Lebel CBR (Carbine Rifle): The Novinski Lebel CBR was designed by head-gunsmith Markov Novinski of the Ravens, and utilizes a simple bolt-action magazine
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The Glock pistol is a series of polymer-framed, short recoil-operated, locked-breech semi-automatic pistols designed and produced by Austrian Glock Ges.m.b.H.. It entered Austrian military and police service by 1982 after it was the top performer in
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Following the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth great Wars between the Ravens and the Eagles, resources were at an all time low. The greatest minds of both the reds and the blues had to come up with some way to continue to arm their sides,
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I'm fairly suprised that I finally got it to upload. SO YEAAH, it happens to be here. Next weapon? Hopefully the DP-28. The SVT-40 has gave me all sorts of issues because of the following: 1: Advanced reloads. 2: Scopes. I might just leave out
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Small preview for a big pack comin' soon. This is the prototype of one of the weapons in the pack, the MAH-47, aka AUG Minigun. It has coustum animations already, altrougth cooldown and spinup dont work and that ended up making the gun ridicoulusly
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