Originally designed in 1918 to replace the Mk1 1917 grenade,the Mk2 was formerly adopted in 1920.Millions were produced by WW2,and the most used variant was the HE (which in the 30's had lost the "High explosive" of it's name due to it becoming the
4 538
Welcome to Black Rock Coliseum! A bloodsoaked thunder dome perfect for CQB or old school style deathmatch play. I recommend trying it with the Order Knights/Ork boyz skins and the medieval weapon pack. Also great for pistol or melee only matches.
2 425
Not a big, but interesting map "Mini carrier war" for the game Ravenfield. It is suitable for both close combat and medium range shooting. It is recommended to install 20 bots.
2 657
You can command bots around, even when you are on the other side of the map- Which means, your teammates and your enemies have radios, or some sort of communication device. What if we turn their precious little earpieces against them? Introducing,
5 004
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