So, I present to you my first map - RedDesert. I made it using the in-game map editor, and since I did not find normal instructions, I had to figure it out myself. I had to tinker with the skybox, I tried to use everything that the editor provides
2 528
A tightly knit map strung with bridges and cramped doorways. ◆︎ Features 5 capture points. ◆︎ Recommended bots: 20-30
3 143
Bots Recommended: 24 - 32 Description: Stalingrad is a small sized Eastern Front themed urban map that is the classic Battlefield 1942 map of the same name, where it pits the Soviets at the south, while the Nazis in the northeast. Filled with
5 219
The Smart Rocket power up from Star Wars Battlefront. Everyone's favorite power-up-jump-pack combination! Features: -Custom models -Custom particles -Custom UI -Custom sounds (from Star Wars Battlefront) -Custom animations
5 590
It's Anime and at the same time not? Well anyway, it's the female Corrin (4th Variant) from Super Smash Bros Ultimate, yes originally she's from Fire Emblem but thats not where the skin originated from. Again all of that wouldn't be possible without
4 714
Bots Recommended: 32 - 40 Description: Berlin is a small sized, World War 2, Eastern Front themed urban map that is the classic Battlefield 1942 map of the same name, where it pits the Soviets at the north, while the Nazis have control of the area.
6 078
Designed in 1920 as a defensive grenade,the Eihandgranaat No.1 (Egg hand grenade No.1) was one of the main grenades of the Dutch army.This grenade had a lot of explosive,more than most grenades of the time,but was still relatively light and could be
2 956
The most go-to vehicle for improvised vehicle-to-man combat. Variants -Forklift- Has a working horn and partly functional lift (Press "t"+"ctrl" and scroll) -Minigun forklift - Has a minigun attached. -Armoured- Normal forklift with plating, high
2 069
This map needs no introduction....but here it is anyway..BF3 Caspian Border... I have done my best to capture what made this map so epic,and have painstakingly tried to recreate it as close to the original as possible. Do bear in mind,its scale is
6 817
Sort of a pack of skins that would fill the role of OPFOR for my previous mods. Contents: -Caucus Combatant Based of off the Chechen fighters during the Post-Soviet era. -Mountain Militia Based off of the Mujahideen during the Soviet-Afghan War,
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