Look at the magnificent employment of the cheap dye to brighten the looks of the soldiers, from the basic cocked hat to the extravagant mitre, these soldiers are sure to 'wow' the aggressors! These British soldiers represent various time periods of
3 516
Complejo de misiles antitanque desarrollado por la oficina de diseño de Instrumentos de Tula. Desarrollado sobre la base del complejo de armas guiadas por tanques "Reflex", conservando sus principales soluciones de diseño. Diseñado para golpear
7 824
El cazabombardero doble estadounidense, creado sobre la base del caza de entrenamiento y combate F-15D. Se puede utilizar para patrullar el espacio aéreo y proporcionar cobertura a las fuerzas terrestres. Ahora el modelo de este luchador está
6 298
Destino is a urban warfare map that takes place on brazil how you can see, its pretended to be a mix of CQC whit medium ranged combat lore: the Bope operatives find the militia hq in a small area on favelas, not much far from the cristo redentor and
3 928
I really like the MCX as a gun and the older version i did was pretty outdated. So i decide to remod and reanimate the model (i was too lazy to remodel) Features: - Custom models - Custom animations - Custom textures - Ambient Occlusion maps -
6 506
Dragon Valley is a large sized, China themed map that is the classic Battlefield 2 map of the same name, where it pits the US at a carrier, and the docks, while China has control of 9 locations along the river. Bots Recommended: 32 - 50
3 721
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