Map Type: Assault Recommended bots: 60 or more (balance slider to at least 1/2 red or to taste) Recommended weapons: Project Altirus: The Second Leersog War pack Addendum: Excavation of a Westenlands Wars era bunker outside Lubyow uncovered
7 888
Glock 17
12 776
dds 6 World War skins to Ravenfield. These are a British soldier, American soldier, a desert version of the American, a German soldier, another version of the German soldier, and a desert version. I plan to make more skins when I get less busy, and
15 317
Character models from Project Altirus: The Second Leersog War, now available to Beta branch players as standalone skins. Includes the following: Syrvanian Army Infantry When Chergaria invaded Syrvania in 524, Syrvania's armed forces were ragged and
9 788
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