The main battle tank of the Japanese armed forces TYPE 90 for the game Ravenfield. Developed in 1976-1986 to replace the Type 61 and Type 74 tanks. Three colors are available for the TYPE 90 tank.
5 811
A map based on a small island in the Pacific Ocean that was once the site of a bloody battle during WWII. I included two versions; one is modern, with the structures on the island old and rusted, and the teams launching an amphibious attack from
7 902
An addition to my Vanilla+ weapon mod, which adds modern RK variations based on the AK-12, as well as a better looking pistol inspired by the USP So: a tactical RK that plays more like a patriot (lower damage higher accuracy), and an LMG and a DMR
8 014
German hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher - Raketenpanzerbüchse 54 for the game Ravenfield. Was equipped with a flap, in contrast to the basic version "Offeror". "Offeror" and "Panzerschreck" was a fairly powerful weapon, but it's pretty bulky to
5 745
Basically, the LS-Guardian is a semi automatic version of the SL-Defender. Weapon Information Ammo: 16 (per mag, Its 80 in total) Bullet Velocity: 850 m/s Weapon Type: Semi-Automatic, Marksman Damage: 80-130 Damage Type: Small Arms Reload Time: 2.5
2 596
Its just the jeep with a cover on top and some head and taillights. Also made a Police version of it.
3 358
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